After entering Windows, click the icon on the taskbar ⑥, then click ⑦ to re-download Microsoft Teams.After the Command Prompt closes automatically, it means Microsoft Teams has been uninstalled completely, please restart your PC first. After the extraction is complete and entering the RemoveTeams folder, right-click the Windows Command Script ④, then select ⑤.After downloading the file, right-click the compressed file ①, and then select ②.

Click here to download the Windows Command Script for the complete uninstallation of Microsoft Teams.Method 1: Run Windows Command Script to uninstall Microsoft Teams completely Method 2: Manually type the command to uninstall Microsoft Teams completely.Method 1: Run Windows Command Script to uninstall Microsoft Teams completely.The following provides two methods to uninstall Microsoft Teams completely, and you can choose either one to perform it. Please refer to the following method to uninstall Microsoft Teams completely, then re-download it. If you experience that the system shows an error message “msteams.exe - Bad Image” below, it may be caused by Microsoft Teams downloaded incompletely (Microsoft Teams app size is 0 bytes).